

Contact Address / Author
Vivace Technik GmbH
Bahnhofplatz 4
8153 Rümlang

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Vivace Ivan

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Number: CHE-155.453.883

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Design & Layout
SibeSiech GmbH
Hekuran Avdili
Adlikerstrasse 255
8105 Regensdorf


Kenan Seri
Electrical Project Manager
«Good work is never achieved by luck»
Giovanni Vivace
Workshop Manager

«In calmness lies strength.»

Hansjörg Brändle
Electrical Safety Advisor

«Avoid complacency to keep working on yourself.»

Rilind Avdili
Electrical Project Manager
«Patience is the key to success.»
Franco Vivace
Administration & Accounting
«Defeat is not the end, only when you give up.»
Ivan Vivace
Electrical Project Manager

«Honesty is the foundation of business.»

Rilind Avdili
Elektro – Projektleiter

«Geduld ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.»